Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Never a good sign........ ;)

I asked my son this morning when was the last time he had a shower, there was a long pause. A really, really long pause. Actually I don't think I ever got an answer from him. That is never a good sign. When you ask a question like that and there is a pause, it just isn't a good sign. I don't think I want to know anymore! LOL

It is fun to tease the kids and entertain myself at the same time. This morning I decided when I woke them up I would call them something other than their name, just for fun. I thought I would use the names from the "That's Not My Name" song by the Ting Tings. So Caylea was Jo Lisa, and Brianna was Mary and Logan was Stacey. The rule of the game, which they didn't know, was as soon as they said "that's not my name" their name went back to normal. (I know, I am entertained easily.)

Caylea dealt with it for a while, then as she was getting dressed for Mamaw's house, she looked at me and said "that's not my name". She won! Then we have Brianna, she starting getting angry at me. Ha! That makes it more fun. There were "stop that", "quit", "don't call me that", etc. Finally I told her what she had to say and she is sooo stubborn that she wouldn't say "that's not my name". So I told her that I was going to call her Mary till she said it. It took a while but finally she became Brianna again. But she was NOT happy about it at all. She was all to happy thought to call Logan, Stacey. Logan, last to wake up, woke up to us calling him Stacey. He says "where did that come from?" and acted really confused. (which was freakin' hilarious) He then ignored me and it wasn't any fun, so I gave up. It was a fun game, I thought!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Trying this Blog Thing out!

I am new to the Blogging world, I am going to give it a try! It seems fun. We shall see. :)

IPhone 3GS!

Friday I went to Eldorado and got me and Billy both a new iPhone 3gs. They are a lot better and work much better than our first generation iphones. It has the video camera option, voice recording, texting horizontally, copy/paste, text forwarding, and is much faster. I seem to get better service too. So I think it was a great purchase. Of course we love technology and couldn't stand it that we didn't have the newest one. I would recommend the iPhone, it would be hard for me to do without mine. I could, I would just whine a lot about it. ;) Also got a super cool iFrogz luxe case for it, of course, it is PINK!

Hello World!
